Happy New Year From Puebla, México

First of all, let me say that we have been so blessed to be serving our Lord here in Mexico. We are very thankful for all of His blessings and all the things that he allowed us to do in His service. We pray that God will help us do more this 2015, and we pray that God will do more in each one of you as well. Happy New Year!

Baptisms of Eduardo and Cristian

We started the year right, with people saved in our church and two baptisms! One of them, Eduardo, has been coming to our church for quite a while. A week before getting baptized, he told me that he did not remember if he had been baptized or not, so he asked his family, if they new by chance if they new if he got baptized as a little boy. They said no. So Eduardo made things right and got baptized.

Eduardo's Baptism
Eduardo’s Baptism


Cristian Mosso Puebla - Bautismo Cristiano
Cristian’s Baptism

We need to move

Recently, the City of Puebla, added a new public transportation service called “metrobus”. This bus is good for the people, since it will help them get around the city faster and easier. The problem with this metrobus is that it has already affected our parking area in front of our church. There is no place for cars to park as they used to in front of our church. This problem, and the fact that we don’t fit in our church and our vision to grow, leaves us with the need to move to a different place. Please help us to pray so that this year we can find a piece of land at least twice as big as our current property. Thank you!

Bible Institute

We start our spring semester of our Bible Institute this coming Tuesday. We have eight teachers ready to teach! Among them four Pastors! including me. We are expecting between 7 to 10 students for this semester. Our classes are in the morning from Tuesday to Thursday. This is our sixth year and God continues to bless!

Tracts and Visitors

Last month, during the Christmas vacation, we printed 10,000 tracts and we went to downtown Puebla to give them out. It was so exciting to see our church people, with a heart for souls, give this tracts and share the Gospel with people.

Today we had a total of 10 first time visitors in our church. One of them is a lady named Angeles. She came to church as a result of a Bible class that I give every Thursday in a house of one of our church members. She seem to enjoy Sunday School and Church and she said that she made the decision to keep on coming every Sunday! Praise the Lord!

Please pray for Pilar Ortiz. She is a lady that I led to the Lord few days ago. She lost all mobility of arms and legs back in September. She contracted a disease that affects her nervous system. She is very sad that she can not move, but now, very happy that she is going to Heaven!

In Christ,

Arturo Munoz and Family.

Prayer Requests:

  • For our Bible Institute
  • For a piece of land for our church twice as big
  • For us to start a new mission church this year
  • For our upcoming trip to Texas in September to renew our van’s permit.


  1. Dear Brother Muñoz,
    My name is Graciela Acosta. I learned about your ministry through your website. I am an inmigrant from Morelos, Mexico. And I am currently living in WA state. My mother and the rest of my family have recently moved from Morelos to Atlixco, Puebla. The reason they moved is because they were being threaten by criminals, they were fearing for their safety.
    Even thought they don’t own much, they had to leave all their belongings behind.
    My question is, if there is any chance for your church to minister to them. They need spiritual encouragement, and help to get some daily life stuff, like, clothes, bedding, cooking utensils, etc.
    They currently go to the catolic church, so they all believe in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
    I thank you in advance for your prayers and time while reading this.

    May the peace and love of Christ be with you.
    Graciela Acosta.

  2. Pastor Munos: My wife, Ann and I will be visiting a former foreign exchange student from Germany next week in Puebla. He is working at the VW plant for the next year. Perhaps you can help us. I would like to locate an English speaking church service, if available. A German service would also be helpful. Or a Christian student group who meets and converses in English.

  3. Hi,
    Has your family found a good church. If now, we know of a new Baptist Church in Atlixco. The name of the Pastor is Israel Bravo. I could ask him to visit your family if you want.
    Hope everything is well with you.
    God bless you!
    ~Bro. Muñoz

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