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Prayerletters: February 2003 | May 2003 | August 2003 | November 2003 | February 2004








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February 2003

"Of course I would like to know"
The last Thursday in January we went to the church to help a brother take out some things that he was storing there. While we were taking the things out to the van, a man of about 35 years old came up to us and asked us what time services were on Sunday. After telling him the hour, I saw that he still wanted to talk with us. I asked him if he would like to know how to go to Heaven and he said with great enthusiasm, "Of course I would like to know!" We entered the church and there I explained the plan of salvation. After spending some time reading the Bible, we kneeled down and he asked Christ to save him. He told me that he had been with the Jehovah's Witnesses for several months, but he had returned to Catholicism because he still felt emptiness in his life with them. Praise the Lord, Christ can fill that emptiness and give men what they need the most - salvation.

Souls saved.
Each Saturday morning at church, we have a soulwinning class. Brother Eric has been going out with me to win souls. Three weeks ago I told him that it was time for him to go out alone with his wife. Praise God, that morning, they were able to lead two souls to Christ. They were very happy (I think she was happier than him). The next morning, on Sunday, before coming to church, he was able to lead another person to the Lord as well. Brother Eric has led a total of six souls to Christ and continues to come to Saturday soulwinning faithfully. During the month of January my wife and I were able to lead fourteen souls to Christ.

Giving to Missions.
In the month of January we had our first small missions conference. The church was encouraged to give to missionaries around the world and we raised a faith promise of $2,400 dollars for the year. We are excited to see the willingness of the church members to give to missions.

Our attendance.
Our church attendance has gone up and down as a result of many people taking vacations during the month of December. However, the last Sunday in January we set a new record and had 41 people in attendance. This was without any promotion. It was very exciting to see this! Thank you for your prayers.

By His Grace,
Arturo Muñoz Jr.

Sending Church:
Windsor Hills Baptist Church
5517 N.W. 23rd Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73127
Pastor Jim Vineyard
(405) 943-3326
Field Address:
39 PTE. #2926-D
Suite. 48-350 • Col. El Verjel
Puebla, PUE 72400
Tel. 011-52 (222) 296-2524
"…I desire fruit that may
abound to your account"
-Phil. 4:17b
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