Yesterday we went with our church to downtown Puebla to give 5,000 tracts. We made this tracts specifically to give out just before Christmas. On one section of the tract we explain the plan of salvation. On another section we explain how to get to our church and our church info. Many people come to visit Puebla during the Christmas holidays and we have a section on the tract that offers ideas of places to visit while in Puebla. Praise the Lord many people read the tract and we hope many will receive Jesus as well during this special time of the year. I was able to lead a lady named Sarah, that was in Puebla for vacations from the State of Guerrero, to the Lord.

Armando De la Rosa
Last week, on a Saturday night, I received some very sad news: A nine-year-old kid that had been attending our weekly Bible club died as he was run over by a car. That same day, on Saturday I had performed a funeral service at 9:00 am for a different person that had attended to our church before. Praise the Lord three people accepted Christ as their personal Savior. The following day, after the Sunday night service, we went to visit the family of the little boy that died, whom are Catholics, and praise the Lord they let me have a memorial service for their son. I preached to over 90 people in the street in front of their house. I don’t remember ever having such high attention by the people like this during a funeral. Everybody was listening eager to hear the Word of God, and praise the Lord at least 30 people got saved that night! Armando went to be with his creator, but little did he know when he died, that many more will catch up with him in Heaven, because he had Jesus as His Lord and Savior . Armando’s mom also got saved that night.
People saved
During the last 6 months, God has allowed me to personally lead to the Lord 27 people. Thank you for holding the rope and praying for us.
Arturo Munoz
Puebla, MEX