Drugs and More…
Last week, as my wife and I were out soulwinning with the church, we had the opportunity to talk to Angel. He told us that he had been trying to stop using drugs, but he always fails. He also said that the JW’s had visited him, and that he sometimes had prayed to God to forgive him of his sins. But as Angel was saying this to us, you could see that he needed something more than encouraging words. He needed Christ! I was able to lead Angel to the Lord, and he happily asked Jesus to save him. He was sooo happy about it. He promised to come to church and he even asked for a Bible. Pray for him!

Bible Institute Continues…
We finished our Bible Institute with 11 Students this semester. Next semester we have a very exciting class, homiletics. This class will be taught by 15 different Pastors from the area. Each will last 90 minutes and we are very much looking forward to it. We are expecting more students and God’s blessings to continue on our students.
Food Boxes…
A member of our church donated 102 food boxes to give away to our church members. This last Sunday, during our Christmas cantata we gave them away. It was such a blessing to see people receive them with a thankful heart!
Merry Christmas!
We want to thank each one of you for praying for us and would like to wish you a Merry, Merry Christmas and a Wonderful New Year!
This coming February, Lord willing we are traveling to California. If you would like us to visit you, please let us know, so we can make plans for it!
I would like to leave you with our daughters Rachel and Sarah singing Carol of the Bells…
Thank you very much and God bless you!
-Arturo Munoz