Our 10th Year Anniversary

Last week, on July the 8th, we celebrated our 10th year anniversary. What a privilege to serve the Lord for all these years.

Our guest preacher was Pastor Adolfo Lima from Iglesia Bautista Libertad in Tehotihuacan, Mexico (Next to where the Sun and Moon pyramids are located). We had 200 people in attendance, with many visitors.

After the Service we had our famous Carne Asada de Arrachera (a special cut steak that we have here in Mexico.) It was very good and juicy! My brother Elimelec and some other people from our church helped grill this steaks.
Sunday night we had 150 in attendance and two people surrendered for Full-time-service — a son and a dad! Praise the Lord!
That Sunday started a very busy week. On Monday I took our youth to a Youth Conference in Mexico City (Bro. Kevin Wynne’s church), which is about 1 hour and a half from Puebla. Then on Monday night we went to Cuautla, and took another group there to listen to Pastor Ezequiel Salazar and Pastor Gil Torres for a preaching conference at Pastors Peter Duke’s church. Both preachings were great!
That same Monday we had another group that took of to a Family Camp in the Riviera Maya (about 24 hours near Cancun).
Our church was broken into

Then on Tuesday, after a great victory (our anniversary) the devil wasn’t happy and our church was robbed at 5:50 am. Three young men came in a taxi, forced the front door open, and took: two laptops, a computer, our Sunday’s money, two drills, and old vacuum, a portable speaker, and a bike. Close to $2,000 dollars total. We gave thanks to the Lord, and kept on going. Actually, I don’t know of a church in Mexico that has not been broken into. If yours is one of them, make sure to have strong locks and hard doors. We have the video of the thieves. Hopefully the police will catch them — which I highly doubt — and have our things returned. If you would like to donate to buy any of the items that we lost, we would appreciate that very much. Already a lady of our church said that she had $500 dollars for a laptop. Praise the Lord!
Thank you for all of your prayers and support.
In Christ,
Arturo Munoz and Family