Santiago and Eli Serving the Lord! and Our children: David and Hannah ready to go to Bible College!

Santiago Florencio y Elizabet Mosso

Santiago and Eli Serving the Lord! Santiago came to our church to study Bible College three years ago. It was here at our church where he met Eli Mosso, an excellent young lady who has been at our church for thirteen years. Eli was a teacher at our Christian school and she also helped us… Continue reading Santiago and Eli Serving the Lord! and Our children: David and Hannah ready to go to Bible College!

My little nephew Arturito lost his life

This is what is left of the house of Pastor Iván Sotelo and my sister Eunice, where my nine-year-old little nephew Arturito lost his life. The fire started at 2:00 AM on Friday, April 12th. My brother-in-law tried again and again to find him to get him out of the fire, but Arturito never answered… Continue reading My little nephew Arturito lost his life

We are now supporting 50 missionaries around the world!

Missions Conference One of the most anticipated events of our church is our Missions Conference. I always remember Pastor Jim Vineyard saying: “Never have a missions conference without missionaries.”This year we had three missionary families. They were with us: The Mora family, missionaries to Egypt, The Miguel family, missionaries to Haiti, and the Díaz family,… Continue reading We are now supporting 50 missionaries around the world!

Six family members saved in the same month!

Short Furlough After taking a short furlough in the United States over the summer, we are back in Mexico, eager to further the Lord’s work in our church here in Puebla. Staff Retirement Upon our return, we held a three-day “Staff Retreat” in a beautiful hotel in the city of Atlixco, Puebla. A group of… Continue reading Six family members saved in the same month!

June 2022 Update!

Furlough progress For several months we lived in the city of Longview, TX, where our children had the blessing of attending the Christian school of our sending church and our oldest children took classes at the Bible Institute (TIBSS). Now that school is over, we have moved to Oceanside, CA. We will be living here… Continue reading June 2022 Update!

Categorized as Updates

New Sending Church

New Sending Church Three years ago during a Conference in Houston, TX, we had the opportunity to meet Pastor Bob Gray Jr. It was a great blessing to hear him, so we invited him to preach at our church in Puebla. A few months later he came to preach at our church and it was… Continue reading New Sending Church

Categorized as Updates

We cannot drive our cars two times per week – June 2020 update

Praise the Lord we are all doing fine as a family during this pandemic. Although I have two uncles that contracted the virus, but praise the Lord, they recovered quick and are doing fine! They live three hours away. Here in Puebla, the city was never shut down completely, but some restrictions were put into… Continue reading We cannot drive our cars two times per week – June 2020 update

April 2020 Update

God has allowed us to stay strong during this time of coronavirus. Our church was able to keep its doors opened but we had to divide our church services in two, in order to accommodate fewer people in our facilities. One service starts at 10:00 AM and the second service starts at 11:30 AM. Our… Continue reading April 2020 Update

August 2019

Vacation Bible Schools July and August are always sooo busy in our church. This time around we had the opportunity to have our Vacation Bible Schools in seven different areas of our city. Some of our students of our Bible Institute helped as leaders in each one of our VBS. At the end of VBS… Continue reading August 2019

Categorized as Newsletter

15 Years in Mexico!

Wow! I cannot believe we have been here in Mexico over 15 years! When we first arrived, it was only my wife, and our three-month old baby, Japheth. Now, we are nine in our family (including my wife and I), and our church in doing amazing! Ministries are growing, souls are being saved, and families are… Continue reading 15 Years in Mexico!

Categorized as Newsletter