Rosa and Nora arrived at church at 5:30 am!

We are happy and excited about what God is doing here in Puebla. We continue reaching the lost and bringing people to our church. God has been good to us. Thank you for your prayers!

Children’s Day

In anticipation of Children’s Day, which is celebrated on April 30 here in Mexico, we held four Bible Clubs in four different city neighborhoods. We met every Saturday for four weeks and invited people to come and hear the Gospel. We had an average of 50 children and 30 adults in each neighborhood!
On Sunday, April 30, we brought them to church. We had a mini-fair at the church. We preached. We presented the Gospel! It was a crazy Sunday! We also gave away three bicycles and had gifts for the children. We had over 80 first-time visitors, and almost half of them were adults. Praise the Lord we had at least 20 adults saved that day!

Rosa and Nora

For the first time, we had a Resurrection service at 5:30 AM in our church. This was going to be an evangelistic service, so we encouraged the church to bring friends and family to church that day.
A lady from our church, Sofia, invited two of her friends who are Catholics and who had never been to a Christian church. Their names are Rosa and Nora.
Rosa and Nora came to church at 5:30 AM. They stayed for Sunday School and also for the church service! At the end of the service, my wife presented each of them a Bible. Rosa said to my wife: “It is not necessary that you give us a Bible, because we are not coming back to this church.” That was many Sundays ago, and Rosa and Nora are still coming to our church every Sunday! Please pray for them. They have not yet been saved, but we know that God is working in their hearts.

Leadership Conference

Thank God, this year we were able to resume our Leadership Conference. This conference encourages many preachers and churches around our area.
The speakers this year were:

  • Pastor Luis Parada
  • Pastor Oscar Galvan
  • Pastor Bob Gray (my Pastor)
  • Evangelist Carlos Sauceda

We had over 30 pastors from different parts of Mexico. One of the pastors came all the way from the Yucatan Peninsula to be at our conference! Praise the Lord, eight people surrendered their lives to full-time service!

Adela listened and got saved!

During the Bible Clubs, a brother from our church gave me the name of a boy to visit. The boy, named Gerardo, had already come to church the previous Sunday for Children’s Day. When I visited him, his grandmother answered the door and I took the opportunity to present the gospel to her. Adela listened attentively and praise God, she accepted Jesus as her personal Savior!
She told me that the previous Sunday, she wanted to visit our church, but that she got “busy” and that she could no longer come. She had never been to a Christian church. But thank God, the following day after she was saved, she attended our church. Please pray for her!

Visit to California this summer

Lord willing, we will be in California from June 16 to July 24 of 2023. We already have most of our schedule full, but if you or your church would like us to visit you, please do not hesitate to contact me. It would be an honor and a privilege to be able to visit you. God bless you!
In Christ,

Arturo Muñoz

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