Vacation Bible Schools
We had a great week holding 3 Vacation Bible Schools at the same time. Our highest day was on Friday with 95, 70 and 60 on each of of them, making a total of 225 kids and adults attending. Our goal for the following year is to have 5 different Bible Schools in 5 different locations of our city. We praise the Lord for the many, many kids that heard the Gospel over and over throughout the week and that God saved!! Two days before Sunday, I asked our neighbor if we could use the empty lot that is next to our church, so that we could accommodate the 80-100 kids that we were going to have for Sunday, and he, not only sad YES, but he said that if we wanted to use the lot to park the cars on Sunday, we could DO so!! Praise the Lord for this. We do not have enough room for 100 kids in our church and God surely answered our prayer!

200 in attendance
On Sunday we broke our previous record for attendance! We had 200 people in church; 100 kids and 100 adults. The most exciting thing about this is that we not only had the kids that attended the VBSs, but we also had their parents attending. They came to see their kids receive their diplomas for completing the VBS. We had 32 Adult VISITORS!! and 12 of them received Christ as their personal Savior!! This is so exciting as well. You could see the whole church so happy, and helping and motivated to see what God is doing in our midst!

7 Baptisms + 4
We also had 11 BAPTISMS. 7 of them got baptized in our church and 4 got baptized in our mission church. Our mission church is also doing very well. Last Sunday we had close to 100 in our mission church. That means that we actually had close to 300 last Sunday! Please pray that we can start a second mission church here in Puebla ans see more people saved.

Prayer Request
- For our safety this Friday and Saturday. We are traveling to Texas to renew our van’s permit. We will be visiting some churches while we are there. (August 10th to August 30th) Pray that more churches will take us on.
- For a bigger place for our church. We would like to sell the building that we have and find a property that is at least twice as big.
- For our Bible Institute. We start the second week of September and we are praying for 10 students or more.
- For our young people that are going away to a Bible Institute. We have 5 young people and 1 matrimony going to San Luis Potosi to study there in the Bible Institute. 4 of them are from our church and 2 are from our mission church. Our mission church is in a very poor area, and subsequently, one man, who is very poor, is leaving this Friday to go to the Bible institute. He is taking his wive and three children by faith to the Institute that is about 5 hours away. If you would like to make a one time offering for this precious family, we will be very thankful. Or if you would like to support them with $50 or $100 dollars a month while he is in the Institute, that, I am sure, will be a big investment in the work of the Lord. His name is Abel. I will try to post a picture of their family so you get to know them. Thank you!
Pictures of our VBS in Puebla and Baptism:
Thank you and may God continue bless you!
~Arturo Munoz