We are only two weeks away from our annual conference in May. We call it our Leadership Conference for Pastors and Workers. This year I have invited Pastor Ezequiel Salazar from Montecito Baptist Church in Ontorio, CA; Pastor Luis Parada from First Baptist Church in Long Beach, CA and Pastor Luis Ramos from Bible Baptist Church in San Luis Potosi, Mexico.
We are expecting to have over 150 people come from five different States. Please pray for us and for the conference. Last year we spent 2,200 dollars, and we are expecting to spend about the same this year. I praise the Lord for people in our church that are willing to give for this preaching conference in Mexico. A lady in our church gave me $1,000 dollars last week and yesterday a man in our church gave $500 dollars towards the conference. Praise God! God always supplies.
If you know anyone in the area that would like to attend our conference, please let them know. We start Monday May 7th at 6:30 pm. We don’t have room in our small auditorium to put all of the people, so we are renting a place for the conference.
Six First Time Visitors
Today we had six first time visitors. Three of them came because they say the sign outside our church… (We have a new sign). And two other visitors came because of our ad that we have in the Yellow Pages. (We spent $1,500 dollars last year for this ad). The couple that came because of this ad in the Yellow Pages said that they had never been in a Christian church before. They arrived early and it seem that they were very interested in the preaching. The wife got saved! The husband said he was saved because a someone else at work led him to Christ. They are Catholic and are looking for a good Christian church to attend to. They looked us in the YP and found out that we were only blocks away from their house! They said the are coming back. We had a total of three people saved! on Sunday, and 130 people in attendance.

Cinco de Mayo Parade in Puebla
Every year we go to the Cinco de Mayo Parade in our city and give our thousands of tracts. This year we are giving away 20,000 tracts during the parade. Please pray for this. We would like to see people saved.
Many in the States wrongly believe that Cinco the Mayo (5th of May) is our Mexican Independence Day. But that’s not true. Our Independence Day is on September 16th. I think that is easier to say “Cinco de Mayo” than “Dieciséis de Septiembre“! Cinco de Mayo is the commemoration of the Battle of Puebla. We won a battle against the french, but later on we lost the war. Praise the Lord that once we are saved we are not losing any more battles nor wars because Jesus will be the winner after all. Many people here believe in the holy death. Many. They are proud of themselves saying that the holy death defeated Jesus on the cross. But they fail to recognize what Revelations 20:14 says, “And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.” We win!
We covet you prayers,
Arturo Munoz and Family