Furlough progress
For several months we lived in the city of Longview, TX, where our children had the blessing of attending the Christian school of our sending church and our oldest children took classes at the Bible Institute (TIBSS). Now that school is over, we have moved to Oceanside, CA. We will be living here for a few months, before returning to Puebla.

During the time we were living in Longview, TX, we were able to visit several churches in the area and present our burden for Puebla. Thank God some churches are already beginning to support us. God is good! He always is.
Our Bible Institute
We had the blessing of having with us Bro. Hector Ávila Jr. and preached at the closing ceremony of our Bible Institute. We had an amazing graduation ceremony where three young people finished their studies. Two other young men from our mission also graduated from Colegio Bautista Fundamental Monte Sion in Mexico City. Thank God we are seeing more and more young people preparing to serve the Lord!

Pray for our mission church
Please please pray for one of our mission churches: Iglesia Bautista Libertad, which is pastored by Brother Erik Domínguez. Two months ago, about ten individuals entered the church with guns and robbed the congregation as they had a church service. Thank God no one got hurt, but they were very scared.
Few days later, the same individuals, entered Pastor Erik’s house, tied them up and robbed his house and took his car. There is no doubt that the devil is not happy. Please pray for Brother Erik and his family that God will give them peace and direction.
Bible Clubs
During the time we have been away, our church has worked harder than ever. A few weeks ago, in preparation for Children’s Day, the church formed two teams, where they competed to have two different Bible clubs in two different neighborhoods. Thank God, on the last day of the Bible clubs, each team had over 250 people in attendance in each neighborhood! And the first Sunday of last month, we had 90 people come to church for the first time! Many of them were saved and three families have stayed in the church because of this effort. To God be the glory!

Our support level!
Thank you for praying for us! Thank God more churches are supporting our ministry! We are at 53% of our financial support! If your church is not yet a part of our ministry and would like for us to visit your church to present our ministry, we will be happy to do so! You can call me at my new US number: (903) 921-8600. Thank you for your prayers and support!
By His Grace,
Bro. Arturo Munoz
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