New Sending Church
Three years ago during a Conference in Houston, TX, we had the opportunity to meet Pastor Bob Gray Jr. It was a great blessing to hear him, so we invited him to preach at our church in Puebla. A few months later he came to preach at our church and it was a great blessing. God allowed us to become good friends and this led us to make some important decisions for our family. After much prayer, God led us to ask Pastor Gray to make his church our sending church. So now we have a new sending church!: Emmanuel Baptist Church of Longview, TX. 🎉
People Saved!
A few weeks ago we posted a sign on a corner near our church. The ad said: Are you looking for God? A few days later, a young married man who was passing by, saw the advertisement and said to himself: “Well, I am looking for God!” So he went to our church and a brother from our church told him about Christ and this young man got saved! The next day this young man came to a church service and God has begun to work in his life. Glory to God! Please pray for him so that he continues to grow spiritually. His name is Alejandro.
Faith Baptist Academy
In September, classes began at our Christian school: Faith Baptist Academy. We have 30 children who have registered and we are having classes in person and virtually. Please pray for this important ministry, for students to continue learning, and for God to protect us and give us good health. Also pray that God allows us to have sufficient funds to continue.
I especially ask you to pray for two girls who are in our Christian school. Their names are Naidé and Anaí. His family is a very poor family. Their father is Brother Hugo and he is a very faithful brother who is currently preparing to serve the Lord in our Bible Institute. Well, Naidé and Anaí need $300 dollars each to cover their registration and books for the Christian school. Please pray for them and for this need.
Our Two Oldest Go To Bible College

A day ago, we took our two oldest children to Bible College. God has led us to enroll them in Texas Independent Baptist Seminary in Longview, TX, with Pastor Bob Gray. Please pray for them that God will use them in a wonderful way! 😊 We know that God has something great in store for both of them. Thanks!!
For His Glory,
~Bro. Munoz