Family Conference in Cuautla

This week was a busy week. Monday and Tuesday we went to a Family Conference in Cuautla, Morelos. Brother Peter Duke is the Pastor of “Iglesia Bautista del Señor Jesús” in Cuautla, Morelos, which is a little over an hour south-west from Puebla. The first day we took 25 people from our church and the mission church, and the second day we took 30. The guest speakers were Brother Tommy Ashcraft from Monterrey, NL; Brother Luis Ramos from San Luis Potosi, and Brother Kevyn Wynne from Mexico City. It was a blessing and an encouragement to see this church that is about three years old holding a conference like this one.
Homeschooling Conference in Querétaro

Friday and Saturday we were in another conference in Querétaro. Brother Steve Miller invited me to preach in his first Homeschooling Conference at his church. Many families from different states came to the meeting. Some as far as Saltillo, Coahuila, which is 8-9 hours north of Querétaro. Brother Miller (who also graduated from Oklahoma Baptist College) is doing a tremendous work in the east part of the city of Querétaro. His vision is to help Mexican families understand the very need to homeschool their kids. We do homeschooling and that is one of the reasons he asked me to preach during the conference. Another two men from his church thought with more detail about homeschooling. I left the conference with two words in mind: Protect and persevere. We need to protect our kids from public schools and persevere in teaching them the Word of God.
Dia del Niño in Mexico
Today we celebrated ¨Día del Niño” in our church (Kid’s day.) We had a big cake, toys, a puppets show, clowns, pizza, a piñata and much candy! Our daughter Rachel invited our neighbors and they came! Dad, mom and their two kids. (It is very difficult in Puebla have neighbors come to our church because people in Puebla are very private.) So… we were very excited to see our neighbors come to church. We had 153 people in attendance, 11 first time visitors and 2 people saved!Thank you for your prayer for our ministry here in Puebla.
Our Mission Church
Our mission church in the south part of the city has been praying to have 50 people in attendance for their 6th month anniversary. Today the mission church turned 6 months and they had exactly 50 people! Yesterday they had surprisingly 24 people going our for soulwinning time! We need more churches in Puebla. Our church is full in capacity. It just makes sense to built mission churches all over the city. When we first came we did not have any kind of help from churches in the area (there were not any). But now we can start a mission church with some of our existing members that are too far to come to our church. Please pray to come to Puebla and start a church with us. We will do everything we can possibly do to help you! Please pray for our financial support. Sincerely, Arturo Muñoz & Family in Puebla, MEX
Hola como estan?
Yo soy de la Iglesia Bautista el Faro en San Diego California. Mi pastor Gil Torres va a ir a predicar Mañana y queria saber si me podrian dar la direccion de su iglesia (Iglesia Bautista del Señor Jesus) para que mis padres puedan ir a visitarla!
Se los agradeceria mucho!
Siento no haber leído el mensaje antes.
Si fuimos a la Conferencia de Cuautla, con el Pastor Pedro Duke para escuchar al Pastor Gil Torres el Lunes por la noche. La predicación estuvo tremenda. Espero que haya conseguido la dirección.
Saludos y que Dios les bendiga,
Att. Pastor Arturo Muñoz de Puebla