Last Saturday we had the opportunity to go bowling for the first time with the married couples of our church. At least we have two good bowling allies in Puebla and they are 100 yards apart. We had 5 couples that went and we had a blast! Many of them had never been bowling before.
Also, every other month, we have a Married Couples Reunion at someones house. This time we are going to be with Bro. Tim Aguiar. He kindly invited us to his house (I kind of asked him). What we do is that we get together at 7 PM and we have a devotional for one hour. And really is not the whole hour. We take time to get to know each other better, specially if we have one married couple that comes to this gathering for the first time. Then, the last 30 minutes, normally I teach them how to have a better marriage. And sometimes, I ask someone that has a good home to give a Bible study. After the hour, we have a special meal, made by our hosting family. This is always fun, because it gives the family an opportunity to serve, and gives us an opportunity to eat a good meal!

Last Sunday was a good Sunday
We had 3 ladies accepting Christ as their personal Savior! One of them stayed with our soulwinner for over half an hour and then I talked to her for another half hour. Her name is Veronica Castro. She is in the middle of divorcing her husband. They have been married for 8 years, but he does not want to be with her any more since they can not have babies. Pray that her home will not get destroy and that they will be able to have family.
Our Song Director with his son

This time we had the blessing to have Bro. Abraham and his son singing a special. It was quite a blessing to see them both singing for the Lord. I hope to see more of this in future specials – families singing together. Bro. Abraham has been leading songs for the last three years in our church. He is a real blessing. Always has a good attitude. The devil almost destroyed their family about two years ago, but they kept being faithful to God and God has blessed them for that. They just had their third child, and two weeks ago we presented him to the church.
Soulwinning with Nicole
Again, last Saturday I had the privilege to go out soulwinning with my wife. This time we met a lady named Elizabeth. I was able to talk to her while my wife listened and my son Japheth played with her 8 year old son. Japheth did a very good job in making a friend. By the time we had prayed, the two kids were best friends. I hope they will come to church because of this, and a real desire to please the Lord.
Our friend Miguel getting saved
This week also happened two things very unusual. My sister and my brother-in-law, after returning to their house last Wednesday night, had someone asking them how to get saved. A lady named Guadalupe knocked on their door minutes after they arrived. She asked them out of the blue on HOW TO GO TO HEAVEN! My sister Aglaeé took the time and showed her from the Bible how she could know for sure how to go to Heaven.
The next unusual thing, is that we also have a friend named Miguel. We have witnessed to him many time. We have invited him to church many times. And the same thing happened. Out of the blue, he asked Bro. Aguiar about HOW TO GET SAVED! He said he was tired of the life that he was living and wanted to change it! He got saved last Tuesday and on Wednesday he came to church and gave his profession of faith. To say the least, we are very happy for Miguel.