Lord willing we will be heading to Mexico the last week in July. We are very excited about it and praying that God will provide for our trip.
West Coast Baptist Church in Vista, CA., is preparing a going-away Munoz Sunday on July the 21st. Our kids attended the Christian school while we were here and they are sure going to miss their new friends, but they are also ready to see their old friends back in Puebla. We sure miss our dear church and friends in Mexico. We cannot wait to go back!
On the mean time we have seen many blessing come our way. Of the them is Damien. After preaching last month at a Spanish Church in Oceanside, CA, a lady came to me and asked me to witness to her first time visitor. He only spoke English. He listened very attentively, but decided to wait. He said that he was raised Catholic, and wanted to make sure that the decision about asking Jesus to save him was to the “correct” one. Two weeks later, while I was preaching at North Hills Baptist Church in San Marcos, CA, he showed up. God moved in his heart and after the message, someone took him through the plan of salvation again and he god saved. He also brought his sister Melissa, and she was saved too!! They were just so excited to have just received Jesus as their personal Savior. Please pray for them as they grow in the Lord.

Yesterday we had the opportunity to visit Iglesia Bautista de Anaheim. Pastor Jorge Ayala is leading this amazing Spanish Church. They started just seven years from zero, but they already have a strong soulwinning church. They probably had close to 200 on Sunday morning. On Sunday night the Pastor gave me the opportunity to preach. It was a tremendous blessing. There are just some churches fun to preach at, and this one is one of them. We will be coming back to this church in one month during their Missions Conference. Pray that God will help this church take us on as their missionaries.
We will be going back to Mexico soon. But our plan is to continue visit churches here in the States, maybe five or six times a year, to present our ministry and burden to Mexico. We have now 6 new churches that have taken us on, but we really need 10 more. Our church in Puebla needs us, and we are going back full of excitement to see what else God will do in our midst. Thank you for your prayers.
Prayer Requests:
- Travel money for our trip back to Mexico
- For God to provide for the Abeka videos and books for our seven kids.
- My mom’s visa. She would like to fly to the States and accompany us on our trip back to Mexico.