We moved to our new building the first week in July. Since then, our membership has grown about 20%! Our people is very excited about the new place and we believe soon we will fill this place up!
The new building that we bought is like a big warehouse and needs lots of construction to close it up and make it more secure. Please pray for this need and if you can help in any way, we would really appreciate it! 1,000 blocks or bricks cost 3,500 pesos or about $190 dollars. And one ton of concrete is 2,700 pesos or about $150 dollars. Any of these would be a big blessing.

Youth Camp
Two weeks ago we had our annual youth camp. We had 90 in attendance including some workers. Different Pastors from the area preached to the youth and praise the Lord we had some young people saved and three that surrendered for full time service. One of them is a young woman named Paola that already finished college and has a medical doctor degree. She decided to leave her career and now is in Bible college ready to serve the Lord!

Bible Institute
This first week in September we started our 8th year in our Bible college. We started with fourteen students this semester. One of our teachers is a missionary that we have known since we arrived here in Puebla. He has been very involved in trying to reach Muslims to the Lord, and now he is teaching a class in our Bible Institute on how to do exactly that! Pray that our students will get a burden to reach those that are trapped in the Islam teachings.
Our final payment
Please help us pray –urgently- so that we can make the second and final payment of our new property. Right now we are selling our old church property for a little over 100 thousand dollars and that is the exact amount that we need to make our final payment for our new place. The owner agreed to give us four months and the time is running out. Our due date is the 20th of October. We have faith that God will help us find a buyer! It’s just a matter of time.
My wife’s new book
Not too long ago, Nicole – my wife, wrote a book about how to better serve and please the Lord. If you know someone (a lady) that speaks Spanish and would like to buy a copy of the book, please let me know. You can text me of call my Mexican phone number: +521 (222) 449-6155. The book costs $10 dollars plus shipping. Proceedings will further help our ministry here in Mexico.

Thank you for your prayers and God bless you all!
Arturo Munoz
Puebla, Mexico.