This is Yair Yair’s story is one of God’s amazing grace. Just a few weeks ago, he was a stranger on our streets, lost and alone. I was able to talk to him and Yair’s heart was softened. He accepted Jesus as his Savior and has since been faithful to our church.Despite the challenges he… Continue reading A New Record Month for our Church in Puebla
Category: Newsletter
We are now supporting 50 missionaries around the world!
Missions Conference One of the most anticipated events of our church is our Missions Conference. I always remember Pastor Jim Vineyard saying: “Never have a missions conference without missionaries.”This year we had three missionary families. They were with us: The Mora family, missionaries to Egypt, The Miguel family, missionaries to Haiti, and the Díaz family,… Continue reading We are now supporting 50 missionaries around the world!
August 2019
Vacation Bible Schools July and August are always sooo busy in our church. This time around we had the opportunity to have our Vacation Bible Schools in seven different areas of our city. Some of our students of our Bible Institute helped as leaders in each one of our VBS. At the end of VBS… Continue reading August 2019
New Mission Church in Puebla…
About three months ago, Mrs Garcia, a widow, contacted a member of church asking us to please send someone to start a church. It happens that, about five years ago, when her husband died, the church that they had at their house for 25 years also died. It used to be a baptist church, but… Continue reading New Mission Church in Puebla…
15 Years in Mexico!
Wow! I cannot believe we have been here in Mexico over 15 years! When we first arrived, it was only my wife, and our three-month old baby, Japheth. Now, we are nine in our family (including my wife and I), and our church in doing amazing! Ministries are growing, souls are being saved, and families are… Continue reading 15 Years in Mexico!
Sending Out Our First Missionary!
We have been here in Mexico for 16 years now. We have started three mission churches here in our city. (Our goal is to start twenty.) We have two other national pastors that have started two other works outside our state. We have a Bible Institute with 19 students right now. Our church is growing.… Continue reading Sending Out Our First Missionary!
Church Under Construction, Youth Camp and Bible Institute!
Construction We moved to our new building the first week in July. Since then, our membership has grown about 20%! Our people is very excited about the new place and we believe soon we will fill this place up! The new building that we bought is like a big warehouse and needs lots of construction… Continue reading Church Under Construction, Youth Camp and Bible Institute!
Our 14th Church Anniversary In Our New Building!
To all who have been praying for us for a new place for our church, thank you! We finally bought a property for our church that is a little more than three times the size of our former church! We moved last Friday and on Sunday we celebrated our 14th church anniversary in our new… Continue reading Our 14th Church Anniversary In Our New Building!
Bible Institute, People Saved, Baptized and Joel Molina
Bible Institute This last Tuesday we started our 7th year of our Bible Institute, and we are very excited about it. We have 7 different classes, all thought by different people, most of them Pastor of the area. We have 12 students, and we are praying that God will use them all for His honor… Continue reading Bible Institute, People Saved, Baptized and Joel Molina
Back From America!
We are back from our quick trip to the United States. We needed to go to renew the permit of our van for another 6 months. This time, is under Nicole’s name; this way, after we get her FM3, we don’t have to go back to the border. Instead, we can extend the permit for… Continue reading Back From America!