We have been here in Mexico for 16 years now. We have started three mission churches here in our city. (Our goal is to start twenty.) We have two other national pastors that have started two other works outside our state. We have a Bible Institute with 19 students right now. Our church is growing. And just last week we sent out our first missionary from our own church to India! And I can’t wait to see how God is going to use them in reaching the souls in that, very needed country, with the Gospel. Please pray for Bro. Jav-ier and his family.
During the time they were in our church, they constantly brought people to our church. He and his wife went soulwinning almost every day. Wherever they went, they always shared the Gospel with many, many people. And I know God is going to use them in a very special way in India.
Adjusting to our new place
We have been in our new place for eight months now, but we are still adjusting to it. We praise the Lord that He gave us this building in a miraculous way! We are working hard to make this building meet the needs of our church as much as possible. We need more classrooms and we also need to build some walls to close the warehouse-style building that we have. Please pray that God will provide all the funds that we need for that.
I love when I see the excitement of our people, specially while the church develops into a better place of worship. And I also love the fact that we are all growing in His Grace! Just before we moved, we had about 140 people in our church. Now we are running close to 170 people every Sunday! Our goals is to have 200 people in our church by the end of the year.
National Leadership Conference
Please pray for our National Leadership Conference coming up in lees than two months. We want to have our church ready for the conference as much as we can. Specially pray that the conference will be a help and a blessing for those attending it!
We are expecting close to 50 Pastors come to our conference. Our goal is to motivate every Pastor that comes to the conference to do more for God. Last year we spent close to nine thousand dollars for the conference. I don’t know how the money will come this year, but God always provides!
At the end of last year, we had a young man named Fernando come to our church. He lives down the street from our church. During the invitation, Fernando lifted up his hand, and a man in our church led him to the Lord. Fernando had many problems. The most important problem that he had — besides him not being saved — was that he was a drug addict.
Few weeks after he got saved, he was found dead, not very far from his own house. His family were destroyed when they heard the news. We reached out to them and few days later, his mom and dad came to church. Praise the Lord they got saved that night! Fernando’s mom said to me that she wants to continue what Fernando wanted. And that is — to bring more young people to the feet our our Savior. Pray for them, as this coming Wednesday night they are starting a discipleship program here in our church.
You never know when someone else’s life will come to an end. All we need to do is reach them before it is too late. And, praise the Lord — Fernando is in a better place!
Thank you for praying for us and thank you for your support!
In Christ,
Bro. Munoz and family.