40,000 Gospel Tracts Given Out In One Day In Puebla

40,000 Gospel Tracts

Bro. Salvador Derreza, missionary to India, giving out tracts
Bro. Salvador Derreza, missionary to India, giving out tracts

First of all, I would like to thank every one of you for praying for our ministry here in Puebla. This year, during the “Day of the Dead” we were able to give out 40,000 tracts, in just few hours, in many of the cemeteries of the city of Puebla. Last year we gave out 20,000 tracts and next year our goal is to give out 80,000 tracts. Many of our church members did this for the first time and were really thankful to be part of this endeavor. They praised the Lord for participating on this and many of them shared with us amazing testimonies on how people got saved.

Our Missions Conference

Missions Conference in Puebla, MEX
Missions Conference in Puebla, MEX

We also had our Annual Missions Conference at the beginning of this month. We had the following missionaries visiting our church and presenting their work:

  1. Salvador Derreza, missionaries to India.
  2. Javier Gonzalez, planting churches in the mountains of Puebla.
  3. Luis Colorado, missionaries to Switzerland.
  4. Jesús Alanis, missionaries in Ecuador.
  5. Pablo Yam, missionaries to Venezuela.
  6. Mike Guzmán, missionaries to Venezuela.
  7. Gerardo Castro, missionaries to Venezuela.
  8. Moises Garrido, planting churches in Puebla.
  9. Felipe Sloan, in Xalapa, Veracruz, our guest speaker.

Our mission church also had 5 other missionaries, and their conference was right after ours. This was the first missions conference for our mission church.

Praise the Lord, our faith promise giving for the year was about $17,000 dollars. Our mission church faith promise for the year was close to $6,000 dollars. This means that between both of our churches we promised $23,000 dollars to reach the world with the Gospel! We are very excited about this, and we thank you for your prayers.

People Saved

The ministries of our church include Wednesday soulwinning, Thursday hospital soulwinning and Saturday soulwinning. We soon are going to add Tuesday visitation in the morning time and Thursday visitation during the evening.

On Wednesdays, we have Bible Institute from 8:00 am to 10:00 am. And then at 10 am we go out soulwinning with the students of the Institute for two hours. Today we had 6 people saved! I had the opportunity to lead the Lord Sra. Lucia Arroyo. She said she is interested for ladies of our church to come to her house and give her a Bible study in her house. Also, I was able to speak with Sr. Lauro González. He did not get saved, but he said he would come to church Sunday morning. So, I am planning to pick him up this coming Sunday. Pray that he will come. He said that he lived in the Los Angeles area, in California, for two years and that no one spoke to him about getting saved. I thought that that was kid of sad. But, praise the Lord he is willing to come to our church.

Land Next To Our Church

Many of you know that we would like to buy the land next to our church. Just recently it went for sale. Right now we only have $30k dollars. And the owners now want $160,000 dollars. This land is a magnificent opportunity to grow our church and have more space. (Right now we only have two Sunday School classrooms.) We covet your prayers so that the Lord can provide the money to buy the property. Another option that we have, is to sell our building and buy a bigger lot near the area were we are. We know that God is in control and we need Him to guide us to know what to do.

Thank you for your prayers and God bless you!

In Christ,

Arturo Muñoz and Family in Puebla, MEX


  1. I’d just like to pass on another way to help spread the gospel and it’s simply this:-

    Include a link to an online gospel tract (e.g. http://www.freecartoontract.com/animation) as part of your email signature.

    An email signature is a piece of customizable HTML or text that most email applications will allow you to add to all your outgoing emails. For example, it commonly contains name and contact details – but it could also (of course) contain a link to a gospel tract.

    For example, it might say something like, “p.s. you might like this gospel cartoon …” or “p.s. have you seen this?”.

  2. I’d just like to pass on another way to help spread the gospel and it’s simply this:-

    Include a link to an online gospel tract (e.g. http://www.freecartoontract.com/animation) as part of your email signature.

    An email signature is a piece of customizable HTML or text that most email applications will allow you to add to all your outgoing emails. For example, it commonly contains name and contact details – but it could also (of course) contain a link to a gospel tract.

    For example, it might say something like, “p.s. you might like this gospel cartoon …” or “p.s. have you seen this?”..

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