We praise the Lord for the 10 first time visitors that we had today! I don’t know yet how many of them got saved, but at least two of them.
Today we started our spring program to invite people to our church. We have a competition to see who brings the most visitors between the men and the women of our church.
We are giving a small first gift to those who bring their first visitor. After that, the next award is for those that bring 5 visitors and then a bigger gift for those that bring 10 visitors.
Each visitor counts for 200 points. And each repeat visitor during our campaign counts for 100 points. That’s it. The person that bring the most visitors we are going to give them TWO free passes to go to the Restaurante La Estancia Argentina de Puebla. (Which is a very nice restaurant were every stake is worth $35 dollars – to my taste, the best in Puebla.)
The Spring Program will last for 7 weeks. Which will end right before our Big Annual Conference in May. This year we have invited Bro. Luis Ramos from San Luis Potosí, Bro. Luis Parada from Long Beach, CA, Bro. Alejandro Córdova from Celaya, GTO, and Bro. Ezequiel Salazar from Ontario, CA. Please pray that this conference will be a blessing to the preachers, pastors and missionaries in the area, as well as the people from the different churches around Puebla.
Please Pray For More Churches in Puebla
This last Friday I receive a phone call from Bro. Manuel Garcia, a current Pastor in Guaymas, SON. He said that he has been praying to come to Puebla as a missionary. I mentioned to him that we are also praying to start our second mission church here in Puebla in the west side of our city. (About 6 month ago we had a married couples meeting in an area names Tres Cruces ‘three crosses’ and God laid in my hart to start praying for this needed area. About 500,000 people live in the area of our city still unreached. Puebla has over two million people right now!) So, I mentioned all of this to Bro. Garcia and he got all excited about coming to Puebla. He is visiting us for a survey trip next month. We would like to help him to start a church here in Puebla, but we can only help with about $30 or $40 dollars a week.
God has also laid in my heart to start one mission church a year here in the city for the following ten years. Please pray for this project. Maybe God can use you to come and start a church with us and be a blessing to the people of Puebla. My desire is to see dozens if not hundreds of churches that reach the lost here in Puebla.
If you would like to commit to help Bro. Garcia start a church here in Puebla, let me know. I know that were are going to need money to rent a building. Buy some chairs. Get a projector for him and speakers and mics. Maybe you can even pray to buy him a car. I am serious! While he was in Guymas, he said that many churches in the States donated vans for him so he could pick up people to bring to church. He said that he is not bringing any of the vans because they are needed in the church that he started 10 years ago. What a blessing.
Our Missionary Friend

Last Saturday we were invited by Bro. Tim Aguiar –our friend here in Puebla — we need more friends like him 🙂 –for his daughter’s birthday. We also met Bro. Dale Aguiar for the second time. He is preaching in Bro. Tim’s church this Monday and Tuesday. We are taking our church over to hear Bro. Dale preach and I know it will be a blessing. It was a blessing to hear him preach in our church about a year and a half ago before his son started his own church in the East side of Puebla.
Our Church Expansion
Last week we also had two architects come and see our church to give us an estimate to know how much will take us to expand our church auditorium. Right now we can only fit 90 people and every Sunday we had to put chairs in the aisles and outside the auditorium. Please keep us in your prayers as we wait and see how God direct us in doing this. We are expecting two more architects this week to come and give us estimates also. We have saved some money, but we still don’t know if it will be enough.
If you know of anyone in the States that ships Bibles to Mexico let me know. Lately, we have had many people in our church asking us for Bibles. We need about 50 Bibles right now to give away. People want Bibles but for many of them they are too expensive. If you can donate some Bibles to us, that will be a blessing.
Here in the address where you can ship them, if that is what God puts in your heart:
Iglesia Cristiana Bautista
11 Sur #7904, Col. Mayorazgo
Puebla, PUE 72450
Thank you and God bless you!
In Christ,
Arturo Muñoz and Family