Last month we celebrated our 9th Annual Leadership Conference here in our church. It was exciting and we for sure saw the hand of God move within our midst.
Pastor Bob Gray, from Longview, TX, came to preach for the first time. We also had with us Pastor Oscar Galván, from Sahuarita, AZ; Pastor Ezequiel Salazar, from Ontario, CA; Pastor Kevin Wynne, from Mexico City and Pastor Alejandro Cordova, from Celaya, GTO.
We had close to 50 pastors and missionaries attending the conference, and on Tuesday night we had a high attendance of almost 500 people in our “little church”.

We had people from 15 different States. The preaching was powerful. The message was clear: The work of the Lord is Great! Keep on going! Praise the Lord for the people saved during our conference and also for those that surrendered to full time service, and for the many more that were encouraged with this conference. Thank you for your prayers!
In two weeks we are celebrating our churches 16th anniversary! And we are having Bro. Tommy Ashcraft preach for us! We are also very excited about this. We will also be having a Soul-winning Conference. We are encouraging our church members to be more aware of souls and to take the time and reach them for Christ. We want to do more and we need to do more if we want to reach our 2-million-people city!
Thank you for your prayers and support.
Download PDF Format: June 2018 Prayerletter