God has blessed us with a wonderful youth group. We have about 35 young men and women that attend our Sunday School class every Sunday. Alejandro Ruiz, who is the youth pastor is doing a tremendous job. Last Friday some of the men went camping to a place named “Ex Hacienda de Chautla”, which is about 45 minutes from Puebla. There is a nice lake, with lots of fish, and some cabins and a place for camping. They had a great time there. They did some fishing, cooked some fish, and also barbecue some hamburgers. As good baptists they had to have some good meals, right? Saturday morning they got up early to have some personal devotions and some preaching. After that they play soccer almost all day. Also, I took the young girls to the campground early Saturday, and they had more activities together, while I went back to Puebla in time for our soulwinning activity with the church.
I went soulwinning with a young men of our church named Oscar. I asked Oscar how he was doing in school. How far till he finished high school and so on. He said that this is his last year. And he gave me some great news that he would like to be a Pastor and would like to start a church here in Mexico! He is planning to go to the States to attend Bible college. He doesn’t know where to go yet, but I was able to recommend some places he could go. Please pray for him as he finishes high school and get prepared to go to Bible college in the States.
Oscar’s family is an amazing family. His older brother came to Puebla about ten years ago, from a little town in the mountains of the state of Guerrero (about 5 hours from here). Oscar has six more brothers and one sister. They are a total of eight plus the mom and dad. After the older brother came to Puebla, the next in line also decided to come to Puebla to go to school here. Now the dad and the mom needed to make a decision. Either stay in Tlapa, where they lived all of their lives, or come to Puebla with the rest of the children, and give them a good education and make sure they also attended a good church. Well, they decided to move to Puebla, rented a little house, and now they are attending our church. This is very uncommon, to see a whole family move to a different town for their children’s sake.
Sunday we had a great day. We had four first time visitors. One of them got saved during the invitation. Also, Sunday night we had the Lord’s Supper and my daughter Rachel took it for the first time, and she was very excited about this. (She got baptized two months ago).
Our church is getting ready for our Missions Conference coming up in two more weeks. We are having Bro. Bob Ross from Windsor Hills Baptist Church come to preach during this time. We are also planning to give 50,000 tracks during the Day of the Dead here in Puebla. And next week we are having a 24 hr Prayer Chain for one whole week. We can see that God will do wonderful things during this time!
After the Missions Conference we are taking a little break in California. Once a year we visit our in-laws during Thanks Giving and we are also ready for this. If you are in California and would like us to present our ministry in your church, please let me know. We would love to visit your church and tell you what God is doing in our dear country of Mexico.
In Christ,
Arturo Muñoz and Family