This last week we had the opportunity to have with us Evangelist Dale Aguiar. Bro. Aguiar is bro. Tim’s Aguiar dad, missionary here in Puebla. They came for a week to visit his son and we also invited him to preach in our church. It was a tremendous blessing to hear him preach. It was good for our folks to hear good preaching and also good singing. Bro. Aguiar preached at our early 8:30am Church service as well as the regular services during the day.
We had 9 people visiting that Sunday and 3 got saved! One of the people that got saved said that they have been reading the Bible for the last few weeks. They are – or were catholics, but the Holy Spirit brought them under conviction and decided to go to a Christian church. They oppened the Yeloww Pages and found our church (our church is the only church that has a paid ad in the YP) They arrived early for Sunday School and stayed to hear Bro. Dale Aguiar preach. After the preaching service they got saved! What a blessing!
Please continue to pray for our church auditorium. We are saving money to expand our auditorium and we know that God will provide.
This week I am visiting many of the people that came for the first time. Please pray also that — if they don’t have a church to attend to — that they will consider our church and also if they are not saved, that they might get saved.
Bro. Tim Aguiar usually visits with me as we go and visit people during the week.
By the way, last Saturday night we visited a man and his wife that have been visiting our church for the last couple of weeks and found out that he had attended Bro. Milton Marin’s Bible Institute about 40 years ago! He even was a missionary to Michoacán, Chiapas, Oaxaca, San Luis Potosí, and many other different places. He has SOME very interesting stories. He learned many dialects, as the people he was missionary to were only indians and natives that did not know Spanish!
He told us of a man that was about to kill them for trasspasing some properties in the mountains of Chiapas. This man was riding a horse while Bro. Flores and seven other man were walking. The man in the horse, when he saw that they obeyed his orders to go back, asked them what was their business or what they were doing in the middle of the jungle of Chiapas. They said that they were preaching Christ. They ended up talking to this man for over two hours. The man in the horse said: “So you mean that there is another religion besides the catholic religion? They said, not only another religion, by a mean for him to get saved. He then asked them to meet with his family the following Sunday. They agreed. Bro. Flores and the other seven men visited Juan Fernando, and Juan Fernando with all of his family got saved. Not only that, but quit his job and went to their Bible institute, and started a church that end up having 800 people in attendance. After 30 some years, Pastor Juan Fernando still pastors a church somewhere in the jungles of Mexico!
In Christ,
Arturo Muñoz
Our church, First Baptist Church of Cottondale, supports both generations of Aguiars and have been blessed to hear them preach. I know God will use them to further the work of His kingdom through their ministry and yours. Looking forward to learning more.
Could y’all send me the picture y’all took when we were there. I had a great time. How the church doing? Please tell everyone I said hey.
Y’all are in my prayers.