Last Saturday, during soulwinning, my wife and I had the opportunity to go out together. Going with my wife is one of my highlights of the week. I miss her when she has to stay at the house due to her pregnancy problems. But praise the Lord she is doing much better and Saturday we were able to win two people to the Lord.

She was able to speak to a lady named María. (A lot of Mexican ladies are named María, and also a lot of man…. like José María y Pavón – The guy who led the Mexican Independence about 200 years ago.) Anyway, she told us that she gets up at 4 AM to help her husband make bread and goes to bed at midnight. She gladly heard my wife explain how she could have eternal life and she prayed God to saved her. Nicole is a great soulwinner I think, mainly because she lets God use her life and her testimony. She also speaks very good spanish. I would say 99% with no American accent… or maybe a tiny little accent. Many don’t believe her first language is English.

I was able also to lead someone to the Lord. She was a young girl named Sandra. Many times, since there are a lot of JWs in the area, I tell them that we are not Jehova Witnesses nor Mormons. Few times I have said that to a Jehova Witness! Last week we found two houses, one after another, where they were JWs. It is sad to see them lossing souls to hell and knowking on doors all over Puebla. A Kingdom Hall was just build two blocks from our church not too long ago. I will try to post a picture or two of the building. It is so, soo sad. But, praise the Lord, we were able to speak to Sandra, and she gladly accepted Jesus as her Savior!
Great soulwinning group! And praise the Lord for those who accepted Christ… You are doing a great work for the Lord and we are excited about how the Lord is using you.
Thanks Jolene! Please say hi to David. Also, we will be praying for his future trip to Israel.
By the way, your blog is great! I like all the pictures that you make sure you add to the blog.
-Arturo Muñoz
Very nice how the Lord is using you. You just visited my church in San Diego with Pastor Crescencio Diaz. It was quite a message.
Que Dios le bendiga a ud. =)
Yes! We had a great time in San Diego. We hope to go back in August. Pastor Diaz is doing a good job in the church. God bless you all…