To all who have been praying for us for a new place for our church, thank you! We finally bought a property for our church that is a little more than three times the size of our former church! We moved last Friday and on Sunday we celebrated our 14th church anniversary in our new building! We are so thrilled and excited about our new place and to God be the glory!
Our new place has 8,600 square feet of land with an included warehouse (3,500 sq. ft.), three extra rooms, fitted with a woman’s and man’s bathroom! Near the main road and just one mile north of where we used to be. Plus, it’s right next to a bus stop, RUTA, which is the public transportation for the people of Puebla.
We had 195 people that attended our anniversary and at least two people saved! We invited Bro. Ron Goodman, missionary in Morelia, Michoacan, to come and preach during this special event. We were encouraged by the preaching and the tremendous amount of enthusiasm that the people had for this first Sunday in our new place! We also had our first baptism in this place. We are looking forward to build a baptistry, since all we have for baptisms right now is a big tub.
Please help us to pray so that we can sell our previous church as soon as possible. We gave 30% of the value of the property and we need to pay the rest within three months! We know God will provide and that we just need to take a step of faith! and faith right now is all we have. Our finances are low, but our spirits are high!
Not too long ago, missionary-par-exellence in Mexico City Kevin Wynne, said to me… “Arturo, I am mad at you. Because, I believe God can use you to run 1,000 people in your church!” Well, this place, might not help us to run one thousand in church, but is a step in the right direction. I believe that we can very well grow to 400-500 people here. And, by the way, we are not here in Puebla to “run” a big church, but to reach as many people as we can!
Eight years ago, when we bought our first building, I told our church not to get “used” to the new building, because it was only provisional — while we “finally” settle in what God has for us. Last Sunday, I told our church the same words. I believe God has something bigger than this, and we are not going to get “used” to it, but do everything we possibly can, while we can.
Thank you again for praying; now, lets win some souls!
For His Service,
Arturo Muñoz and Family
I am trying to locate an old family friend Calvin Sears. He served the Lord many years in Puebla Pue. Do you know of him? i would appreciate anything you could tell me.
I am sorry. I don’t think I have heard of him.